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Welcome to Scotiabank’s Whistleblower Program Portal, operated independently by NAVEX

5 things you need to know about the Whistleblower Program

Raising concerns to the attention of Scotiabank

At Scotiabank, employees are expected and encouraged to Speak Up when they have ethical concerns at work. Employees are encouraged to bring their concerns to the attention of their manager or business area leaders who are responsible for taking those concerns seriously and addressing them in a timely manner. Concerns may also be reported to Human Resources. When in doubt, employees may discuss an issue confidentially with the Staff Ombuds Office for guidance on the best option for resolution.

If for any reason an employee is uncomfortable raising a concern through these avenues, or prefers to remain anonymous, Scotiabank has established the Whistleblower Program as an additional channel for bringing ethical concerns to the attention of the bank with the option of remaining anonymous.

What to report through this channel

The Whistleblower Program is a formal reporting channel for raising concerns of actual, suspected or potential breaches of Scotiabank’s Code of Conduct, or violations of law, regulations or internal policies by employees, contingent workers, directors, officers, or service providers of the bank. This channel may also be used to report problems or deficiencies with Scotiabank’s policies, procedures, guidelines, processes or controls.

What you can expect from us

Concerns raised through the Whistleblower Program are taken seriously and reviewed in detail. If the concern is deemed in scope of the Whistleblower Program, an investigation will be conducted, and you will be notified when the matter is considered closed. The Whistleblower Program Office maintains communication with the reporters who raise their concerns through the EthicsPoint platform and may ask for additional information to look into the concern. While the level of detail we are at liberty to share post investigation may be impacted by privacy and other considerations, we are committed to updating reporters who raise concerns through this channel.

What we expect from you

We ask that reporters who raise concerns through this channel, provide us with adequate detail to support our analysis. This means including as much information as possible about what happened, where it happened, when it happened, how it happened, who was involved (including potential witnesses to the issue), and your views on why it may represent a breach of Our Code of Conduct, or a problem with Scotiabank’s policies, procedures, guidelines, process or controls.

It is very important that you remain engaged in the process after submitting the report. We encourage you to log back into EthicsPoint using your report key and password to check for any messages or follow up questions from the Whistleblower Program Office. This will help us and our investigative partners to look into the matter more quickly and effectively.

You are protected

Scotiabank does not tolerate retaliation against any person who raises a concern or participates in an investigation in good faith. Allegations of retaliation are taken seriously and will be addressed promptly.